How to: Build Color Palettes

Learn how to select and mix yarn colors in Create™ to build your custom color palette.


✏️ A BYBORRE Textile is a double jersey, which means it’s built like a sandwich. It consists of two connected knitted layers and can have an additional 3rd fill yarn layer in between.

01 Knit Types

How to build a Color Palette in BYBORRE Create™

With the Yarn Selection Tool, you can choose 4 yarn colors that are knitting the front layer of the textile and up to 4 yarn colors that are knitting the back layer.

The back yarns are used to attach the layers and will appear on the front where they influence the overall color.

This means:
  • You will see your selected front yarns throughout all areas of your textile. 
  • You decide which back yarn colors(s) will appear on each PNG layer/ area of your design.

Pantone color names serve as reference for the real yarn colors. Be aware that the color displayed on your screen may differ from the actual shade.

02 Color Palette


Mixing Yarn Color

Your yarn color cone selection on the front will create color through combinations, so-called Micro Patterns.

To build a Color Palette with maximum Micro Pattern options, pick contrasting front yarn colors (light-dark, blue-yellow, red-green, etc.) and place them alternating. Below, see some examples that show how the position and contrast of yarn colors matter:

04-A Yarn Arrangement

04-B Yarn Arrangement

(Yarn) Color theory

Understanding color theory is very helpful to work with our knitted textiles as we work with mixing dyed yarns. 
How different colors combine to create new colors is fundamental. For instance, mixing primary colors (red, blue, yellow) can create secondary colors (orange, green, purple).


Choosing your yarn colors can be compared to choosing your colors for a painting. Although, due to the nature of the BYBORRE knitting technique all front yarns will mix together. The position of each yarn cone as well as the contrast will influence the mix and final hues. The Micro Patterns that you will achieve with your own built Color Palette will give you a range of mixing options.





Which yarn colors can I choose from?

The yarn color availability depends on the yarn composition and stock. For example, in textile packages with a polyester front, you can choose from a range of bright and bold colors, while wool-based packages, are available in more neutral and natural tones. You can see the availabe colors in 'more info' while selcting your material.

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