How to: Prepare your Artwork

You can customize your own textile by applying your unique artwork to it. Discover the requirements, best practices, and recommendations for file set-up in Create™.



Design Tools and File Set-Up

  • Design tools: Prepare your artwork as a .png file using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop or any similar design tool.
  • File specifications: 
    • Resolution: 10px /cm
    • Dimensions: 1488 px (width) x 1008 px (height)
    • Details: Ensure elements are at least 4px widh/high to ensure optimal visibility and safety of knit
    • File size: Max. 4 MB
    • File orientation: Landscape
  • Upload: Once your file is ready, upload it to Create™. The platform will automatically separate your artwork into editable layers that allow you to apply different colors and patterns. 
  • Advanced option: For full control, you can manually reduce the colors of your artwork (up to 12) and upload each layer separately. 

    Please see the details below, including an instructional video:

Screenshot 2024-04-09 103101

For best results make sure each color is solid (A) without any soft edges (B).



Here is a brief tutorial on how to use our platform:

Artwork Repeat  

Our textiles are knitted on a fabric roll. If your textile is meant for production, make sure to have a repeatable design.
The Create™ canvas measures 1488px by 1008px. This will translate to a physical sample of approx. 140cm by 100cm. Your pattern or artwork will repeat every 1 meter (or 1008px).
Learn More: What is a Repeat?
You can preview how your pattern repeats on the fabric roll by clicking "Fabric Roll" at the top of your sample canvas. The fine line shows you where your artwork ends. See an example below:
Screenshot 2024-06-06 100930 copy

Can I resize a PNG file in Create™?

Please prepare all PNG files to match the exact size of the Create™ canvas (1488px by 1008px). Use a design tool like Photoshop or Illustrator to scale and position your shapes beforehand.


If you experience any problem with uploading your PNGs in Create™ please check the following:

1. Make sure you are using the Google Chrome browser for best results.

2. Check your internet connection and refresh the browser to make sure you are logged in to            Create™.

3. Make sure that the size of PNG is not larger than 4MB.

4. If the upload is successful but your PNG isn't visible on the canvas, adjust the Micro Pattern of      your layer (it must differ from the base or lower layer to be visible).